Do It Yourself Designs
We felt our favorite sweatshirt could use a fresh update for fall. To transform this classic cut into a modern, minimal staple, we took a regular raglan and added sleeve ties. Follow our simple snip and stitch tutorial to make your own.
*Added Bonus: Animated hand gestures become interpretive dance with the flick of a knot sleeve wrist!
- 1 oversized sweatshirt (The sleeves should cover your hands. We chose this men's raglan one size bigger than our normal size for a larger cut.)
- sewing scissors or seam ripper
- measuring tape or ruler
- sewing pins
- a needle
- thread to match the sweatshirt
- a washable marker
Step 1
Lay the sweatshirt flat. On the right side, measure 3 inches above the ribbed bottom and mark with a washable marker. Repeat on left side.
Step 2
Connect the right and left points with a horizontal line.
Step 3
Pin the back and front of the sweatshirt together to keep the cut even on both sides. Cut on the line to remove the bottom section of the sweatshirt to form sleeve ties (*hint: this is why we started with an oversized sweatshirt).
Step 4
Continue forming the sleeve ties by trimming off the ribbed bottom. Next, separate the front strip from the back strip by cutting the seams. These will be your two wrist ties.
Step 5
Pin both ties hot dog style with the fuzzy side out.
Step 6
Thread the needle and knot the end. Back stitch from the corner up to the top edge creating a triangle, then stitch along the top edges looping the thread over the two edges to create a tight seal. Repeat this stitch until the end of the fabric strip. Cut the excess fabric triangle off the edge of the stripe. Use your backstitching as a guide, but don't cut too close to it.
Step 7
Time to make the seal the sleeve tie! First, turn the snake inside out (tug and push gently. This takes a bit of finesse and patience). Fold the tips inward for a crisp edge and pin at an angle to match the opposing end. Instead of stitching over the seam, stitch through the two sides to hide the thread. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 with the second sleeve tie.
Step 8
Cut the ribbed cuffs off the ends of both sweatshirt sleeves.
Step 9
Attach sleeve ties to cropped sweatshirt sleeves. Measure 4 inches above the sleeve edge and pin the sleeve tie perpendicular to the sweatshirt seam. With washable marker, draw a small square along the edges of the sleeve tie surrounding the covered sweatshirt seam. Stitch along the square edges to hold the sleeve tie in place. Repeat on the other side.
And Viola! Your very own tie sleeve sweatshirt to combat autumn chill and seasonal depression. So long sunshine! You will be missed.